by PER Marketing | Feb 14, 2017 | Projects
For this channel restoration project, a 120-foot span of a channel was badly eroded and was directly impacting an existing transmission pole and guy wire anchor. Penn E&R completed a channel restoration design, which included establishing stable bank slopes and...
by PER Marketing | Feb 14, 2017 | Projects
During the initial site selection phase for commercial and industrial projects, Penn E&R was engaged to evaluate environmental, engineering, permitting, and municipal constraints. Sometimes referred to as Due Diligence or Fatal Flaw Analyses, these services proved...
by PER Marketing | Feb 14, 2017 | Projects
Penn E&R completed the design, permitting and construction of the Nelson Welles Surface Water Intake in northcentral Pennsylvania. The project consisted of a high volume surface water withdrawal and truck loading station capable of delivering 590 gallons per...
by PER Marketing | Feb 14, 2017 | Projects
In June 1989, during the replacement of a 4,000-gallon unleaded gasoline underground storage tank (UST), a release was identified from the suction line of the UST. Remedial measures were taken in response to the release, but subsequent ground water sampling events...
by PER Marketing | Feb 14, 2017 | Projects
Penn E&R performed over 65 linear miles of wetland and water resource delineations for electric transmission line projects throughout eastern Pennsylvania. The projects were in support of reliability upgrades to infrastructure in existing right of ways and...