Our construction team works with our engineering and environmental groups to provide our clients with a truly unique design-build contractor in Penn E&R. This relationship is especially convenient and cost-effective for clients whose projects begin in the environmental and remedial phase and continue through engineering design to construction. Penn E&R’s construction team has serviced all of the major market sectors in which we conduct engineering and environmental consulting. We provide the following services:
- Brownfield investigations and remediation
- Access road construction
- Construction quality control testing
- Construction water management
- Plan development
- Earthmoving (i.e. excavation backfill, rough and fine grading, topsoil placement)
- Environmental, Health and Safety compliance
- Excavation, off-site transportation, and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes
- Gas collection/flare system installation
- Geocomposite drainage system installation
- HDPE pipe assembly and installation
- Hydrogeologic investigations
- In-situ and ex-situ soil and ground water remediation
- Landfill cell construction and capping
- Liner installation
- Litigation support/expert testimony
- Permitting, regulatory liaison
- Post-remediation attainment and waste classification sampling and analyses
- Site clearing, grubbing and restoration
- Slip Repairs
- Erosion and sediment control installation
- Storage tank management
- Subgrade (foundation) layer Placement
- Surveying
- Wetlands restoration
- Streambank stabilization
- Facility decontamination and demolition services:
- Surficial decontamination
- Asbestos abatement
- Lead abatement
- PCB and mercury-containing electrical equipment decommissioning/disposal
- Containment structure Removal/closure
- Process line clean-out
- Contaminated soil and sediment removal and disposal
- Containerized and/or bulk waste identification, packaging, labeling, transportation and disposal
- Complete structure raising
- Selective demolition
- Concrete/masonry crushing, off-site recycling, and/or on-site reuse
- Asset recovery