Tank Assessment / Remediation
Penn E&R provides a wide range of professional tank management services covering assessment, remediation and closure for both above ground and underground storage tanks (ASTs and USTs). All services are performed in accordance with applicable State regulations and in a safe/responsible manner. Penn E&R also holds company and individual certifications to self-perform the Pennsylvania’s contractor UST removal/closure activities (a “UMR” certification category for “UST Tank/System Removals”) and AST removal/closure activities (an “AMR” certification category for “AST – Manufactured – Tank/System – Removals”). A representative list of our UST/AST capabilities include:
- Inspection and assessment of the tank for tank integrity, leaks and/or spills
- Preparation of Corrective Action Process (CAP) Plans, Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) and Remedial Action Completion Reports (RACRs) and other regulatory tank related reports.
- Obtaining necessary municipal/county permits as a part of the preparation for removal programs
- Completion of geotechnical investigations to evaluate site stability prior to performing removals
- Analytical sampling of soil, ground water and vapor, as well as petroleum fingerprint analysis
- Emptying, cleaning and removal of tanks/tank systems
- Separate Phase Liquid (SPL) or Free Product recovery from the subsurface
- Design, Construction and Operation of Two Phased Vapor Intrusion (TPVI) Systems
- Excavation/Disposal as well as In-situ Remediation Methods
- Indoor Vapor Intrusion (VI) Studies
- Hydrogeologic Ground Water Monitoring/Closure Studies
- Completion of State tank closure documentation
- Multi-Site Agreements (MSAs) to resolve open cases
- Tank activities at Retail Motor Fuel Facilities as well as Refinery and Storage facilities
- Application of State cleanup standards including those developed pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act 2) and New Jersey LSRP Programs.